The use of AI Chatbots in higher education: the problem of plagiarism




ChatGPT, higher education, plagiarism, learning purposes, AI tools


Background: The use of ChatGPT in the learning process is becoming a common practice. Researchers identify opportunities to improve the learning process using AI tools. At the same time, there are many unresolved problems and threats from the use of ChatGPT. These include unreliable information, false information, lack of references to primary sources, lack of intellectual property protection, and especially the problem of plagiarism in academic texts.

Objectives: The purpose of the study is to summarise the results of published research on the benefits and threats of using ChatGPT in higher education and to analyse the experience of using AI to write academic assignments by university students in compliance with the requirements of academic integrity.

Methods: A survey was conducted among Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (KNEU) students about their experience of using ChatGPT in performing academic tasks and the degree of satisfaction with this tool.

Results: The survey involved 58 KNEU students. We have analysed how satisfied students are with using ChatGPT for different learning purposes. Students are most satisfied with using ChatGPT to quickly find information and translate texts. The majority of respondents said that ChatGPT does not always provide accurate and reliable information. Students also pointed to the problem of violating academic integrity when using ChatGPT to complete their assignments.

Conclusions: The study shows the general advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT in higher education. Particular attention should be paid to the level of borrowing in academic texts prepared with the help of ChatGPT.

Biografia do Autor

Yeliena Prokhorova, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

PhD, Associate professor, deputy head of Management Department, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine. Member of the Faculty of Management Council, Member of the University’s Scientific and Methodical Council. Lecturer on "Business Strategy", "Change Management", “Strategic Entrepreneurship” and “Strategic Management” at the Bachelor, MBA and Master’s, PhD levels in Ukrainian and English. Participated in consulting projects to improve the efficiency of companies. Forsited strategic sessions for companies. Held the training for the top Ukrainian government managers on Strategic Management. Scientific interests: Managing the Process of Strategy Implementation, Organization Culture Development.

Rashmi Gujrati, KC Group of Institutions, Nawanshahr

Professor & Dean of International Affairs and Campus Director of KC Group of Institutions in India. She is a Researcher, Teacher Educator, and Administrator. She has managerial skills in direction of achieving the goal of success to stature the academic community and demonstrates ample credibility for educational leadership, strategic thinking, team building, and resources developed for research and consultancy activities with emphasis on entrepreneurship skills contributing towards the development of the society. She has 32 years of experience in teaching.

Hayri Uygun, Recep Tayyip Erdogan Universitty, Rize Turkiye

Dr. Hayri Uygun is a present working in Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Rize Turkey. He has 27 years of teaching and industry experience at various level. He has attended many National and International conferences and seminars. He has published a couple of papers in National and International Journals and various Books He has attended various workshop and FDP’s. He is a Managing Director & Editorial Board member of Tradepreneur Global Academic Platform Southampton UK.


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Como Citar

Prokhorova, Y., Gujrati, R., & Uygun, H. (2024). The use of AI Chatbots in higher education: the problem of plagiarism. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 5(00), e031.