Application of artificial intelligence in a technology startup company




Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Technology Startup


Purpose: This study addresses the application of artificial intelligence in the business context and evaluates how the implementation process is, with the aim of improving the efficiency of the organization, by researching the historical basis of AI, the analysis of AI in the current business context and the socialization between the members of the organization.

Results: The company that is the subject of the study is a marketing and technology platform development agency that is going through the process of internalizing the tools in its daily life. Investigating the relationship between the application of AI and team efficiency, as well as the company's capacity for evolution.

Method: The work was based on qualitative research with a sample of 131 people and for a group of 5 interviewees, taking into account their understanding of and experience with the tools.

Conclusions: The work highlights artificial intelligence as a structure that contributes to the evolution of individuals and organizations, while at the same time discussing how it will be implemented, its applicability and the behaviour of society in the face of possible changes.

Author Biographies

João Joska Junior, Centro Universitário UNIAVAN (Avantis)/ Graduando em Administração

Graduating in Business Administration from the Uniavan University Center.

Werner José Bertoldi, Centro Universitário UNIAVAN (Avantis)/ Professor

Master in Business Administration from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2006). Rector of the University of Contestado - UnC (2006-2010). Pro-Rector of Extension and Culture at the University of Contestado - UnC (2002-2006). Director of the Higher Education Center - Curitibanos campus of the University of Contestado - UnC (1996-2002). Bachelor's degree in Accounting from the University of Contestado-UnC. He has experience in University Administration, with an emphasis on University Management and Policy, working mainly on the following subjects: change, planning, strategy, process, structure, physical arrangement, marketing, demand, objective, structure, market and development, advertising. He has specialized training in Express Coaching from the Condor Blanco Foundation - Chile. Specialization in Distance Learning: Teaching and Tutoring from Faculdade Avantis. Professor at the Avantis University Center - Univan in Balneário Camboriú/SC, in the Accounting and Administration courses. Responsible for the Extension Activities at the Avantis University Center in Balneário Camboriú-SC.

Ruan Carlos dos Santos, UDESC-ESAG- Doutorando em Administração

Bacharel em Filosofia pela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (2002-2005). Licenciatura Plena em Filosofia e Ciências Sociais pela Faculdade Inetgrada Cruzeiro- FIC (2018). Bacharel em Teologia pela FAJE/ITESC (2006-2009). Especialização e MBA em Gestão Estratégica Empresarial pela FAPAG (2012). Especialização em Metodologia de ensino de Filosofia e Sociologia pela FACEL (2017-2018). MBA em Governança Corporativa pela UnIBF (2018-2019). Especialização em Auditoria e Perícia Contábil pela UnIBF (2019-2020). Especialização em Administração, Supervisão e Coordenação Escolar pela UnIBF (2019-2020). Bacharel em Administração pela UniFCV (2021). Bacharel em Ciências Contábeis pela UniCV (2022). Licenciatura em Pedagogia pela UNICV (2024). Mestrado em Administração pela UNIVALI (2015-2017). Associado na ANEGEPE (Associação Nacional de Estudos em Empreendedorismo e Gestão de Pequenas Empresas) e na ABEC (Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos). Consultor/docente credenciado na École National D'Administration (ENA- Brasil). Doutorando em Administração pela UDESC-ESAG (2022).

Rodrigo Fernando Belli, Centro Universitário UNIAVAN (Avantis)/ Professor

Professor at Center University Avantis – (UNIAVAN), Brazil inthe disciplines of Fundamentals of Management; Marketing Management, ServicesMarketing and E-commerce, Business Models, Labor Market and Career, Finance andGastronomic Services and Strategic Administration. - Tutor Professor at CentroUniversitário Avantis - UNIAVAN of the Technologist in Marketing and Bachelor inAdministration courses. - External Tutor Professor at Leonardo da Vinci UniversityCenter - UNIASSELVI, in the courses of Technologist in Logistics and ManagementProcesses. - External Tutor Professor at UNIGRAN in the courses of Administration,Managerial Processes, Logistics, Accounting and Human Resources. - Post-graduationprofessor at AVANTIS on the subject Business Strategic Administration and ClientManagement. - Post-graduation professor at AUPEX in the disciplines ScientificMethodology, Logistics and Business Management. - Master's student in Administrationat the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI - Specialization in Sales and Marketing- Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI - Specialization in Teaching and Tutoring -Center University Avantis – (UNIAVAN) - Specialization in Higher Education Teaching- Center University Avantis – (UNIAVAN) - Bachelor in Administration - Universidadedo Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI - Technician in Logistics, Storage, Distribution andTransportation.


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How to Cite

Joska Junior, J., Bertoldi, W. J., Santos, R. C. dos, & Belli, R. F. (2023). Application of artificial intelligence in a technology startup company. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4(00), e19.