GPT Alumni AI Pesquisa: A Practical Tutorial for the Adoption and Ethical Use of AI in Scientific Research




Artificial Intelligence, GPT-4, Research Ethics, Academic Publications, Editorial Support


Objective: This tutorial introduces the use of Alumni AI Pesquisa, a chatbot based on GPT-4, publicly available on the OpenAI platform, designed to support the ethical and transparent use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in academic research. The aim is to guide authors, editors, and reviewers in the responsible application of AI, ensuring scientific integrity throughout the editorial process.

Method: The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to access and utilize Alumni AI Pesquisa. The GPT-4 offers guidance on the ethical use of AI in academic writing, the oversight of editorial decisions assisted by AI, as well as compliance with editorial guidelines and manuscript formatting. Correct usage of AI is promoted through practical examples and references to global best practices.

Results: Alumni AI Pesquisa provides immediate support tailored to different user profiles (authors, editors, and reviewers), encouraging transparent AI use in manuscripts. The tool ensures that AI-assisted decisions are validated by human supervisors, guaranteeing adherence to ethical and technical standards.

Conclusions: Publicly available on the OpenAI platform, Alumni AI Pesquisa, powered by GPT-4, significantly contributes to the promotion of scientific integrity by facilitating responsible AI use in the academic environment. It is recommended that the use of the tool be cited in publications, explicitly mentioning the version (GPT-4).

Author Biographies

Altieres de Oliveira Silva , Editora ALUMNI IN, São Paulo

Ph.D. student in Business Law and Citizenship at UNICURITIBA, I specialize in Open Access Scientific Journals. I hold a certification from Cambridge University in Scientific Publication. With expertise in the field of Business Law and a strong focus on promoting accessibility to scientific knowledge.

Diego dos Santos Janes, Editora Alumni in, São Paulo

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from UNINOVE, and I am an expert in Open Access Scientific Publications, specializing in Scientific Communication and Editorial Management. Additionally, I have a specialization in Corporate Governance, which complements my knowledge and skills in the realm of business and organizational management. With a focus on promoting accessibility to scientific knowledge and effective editorial practices, my academic background equips me with a comprehensive understanding of both business administration and scholarly publication processes.

Renan Santos, Editora Alumni in, São Paulo

I am an expert in Open Access Scientific Publications, specializing in Scientific Communication and Editorial Management. Additionally, With a focus on promoting accessibility to scientific knowledge and effective editorial practices, my academic background equips me with a comprehensive understanding of both business administration and scholarly publication processes.


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How to Cite

Silva , A. de O., Janes, D. dos S., & Santos, R. (2024). GPT Alumni AI Pesquisa: A Practical Tutorial for the Adoption and Ethical Use of AI in Scientific Research. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 5(00), e033.