Enhancing administrative efficiency in higher education with AI: a chatbot solution





Chatbot, Higher Education Administration, Digital Transformation, AI in Education, Process Optimization


Objective: To alleviate high demand on the Stricto Sensu secretariat through a chatbot designed for various inquiries.

Method: Utilized a qualitative approach, leveraging interviews for empirical analysis and Ishikawa diagrams for process mapping.

Results: Demonstrated the chatbot's capacity to streamline secretarial tasks, especially highlighted during pandemic-induced challenges.

Practical Implications: The initiative offers a scalable model for enhancing administrative efficiency across higher education institutions, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and technological integration.

Conclusions: By improving response efficiency and reducing wait times for student requests, the chatbot exemplifies the transformative potential of AI in educational administration, suggesting a strategic direction for future technological adoptions in higher education.

Author Biographies

Cristina Doritta Brandão Majorana, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing - ESPM, São Paulo

Academic Mentor. PhD from the Graduate Program in Administration at the School of Advertising and Marketing (PPGA/ESPM/SP), full CAPES scholarship holder. Holds a Master's degree from the Doctoral and Master's Program in International Management at the School of Advertising and Marketing (PMDGI/ESPM/SP), full CAPES scholarship holder. Undergraduate degree in Administration from the School of Advertising and Marketing (ESPM/SP), institutional scholarship holder in the scientific initiation program, and a degree in Law from the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI/SC), institutional scholarship holder in the extension project program. Her areas of interest include International Business, International Strategy and Innovation, Innovative Entrepreneurship, Productive Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Organizational Creativity, Artificial Intelligence, Startups.

Renata Benigna Gonçalves, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), São Paulo

PhD candidate in Administration and Master in Consumer Behavior at the School of Advertising and Marketing (ESPM) - Research Area: Strategy and Market Intelligence. Dissertation Topic: Moderating Effects of Privacy Paradox in the Use of Wearables by Physical Activity Practitioners. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Júlio César Bastos de Figueiredo. Holds a postgraduate degree in Market Communication from the School of Advertising and Marketing (ESPM) and a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Universidade Paulista (UNIP). Postgraduate professor at ESPM, teaching Social Networks and Media, Digital Marketing, and Capstone Project. Experience in communication with a focus on Offline and Online Media in the Telecommunications and Payment Technology sectors.

Fernando Luis Abegao Neto , Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), São Paulo

Holds a degree in Administration from Insper Institute of Education and Research (2006). Currently serves as the Superintendent of Strategic Planning at Alelo Brasil. Has experience in the field of Administration, with a focus on Competitive Strategy. Holds an MSc in Consumer Behavior (MPCC).

Ricardo Zagallo Camargo , Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), São Paulo

PhD in Communication Sciences (2009) from the University of São Paulo. Served as Coordinator and Director of the Advanced Studies Center at ESPM (2005-2016). Since 2017, he has been a faculty member of the Professional Master's in Consumer Behavior (MPCC-ESPM). Acted as editor (2019-2022) of the International Journal of Business & Marketing, associated with MPCC-ESPM, and since 2022 has been Coordinator of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP-ESPM). Researches and teaches in the fields of communication and administration, focusing on consumer behavior, consumption, lifestyle, citizenship, longevity, and aging, primarily using Practice Theories applied to consumption. Other interests include social responsibility, sustainability, marketing, advertising, education, and creativity.


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How to Cite

Majorana, C. D. B., Gonçalves, R. B., Neto , F. L. A., & Camargo , R. Z. (2022). Enhancing administrative efficiency in higher education with AI: a chatbot solution. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 3, e23. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v3i00.23