A adaptive learning strategies in open and distance eLearning: Opportunities and challenges for quality assurance
personalised learning, adaptive learning, artificial intelligence, quality assurance, higher educationAbstract
The chapter is premised on the ever-changing landscape of distance learning and the infusion of the e-learning aspect into the teaching and learning strategies. The adoption of adaptive learning strategies necessitated institutions to deliver custom learning experiences that address the unique needs of individual students.
- The chapter points to the importance of institutions adopting a variety of adaptive learning strategies such as personalized learning, automated feedback, visualized learning, to enhance the student learning experience rather than assuming a one-fits-all-all experience.
- The book chapter highlights challenges that impede institutions in adopting adaptive Learning Strategies.
- The chapter underscores the point that at the core of Higher education institutions is the need to address challenges and threats to the quality of education by adopting efficient instructional strategies for Adaptive learning.
- The book also suggests strategies to mitigate against challenges that impede the adoption of adaptive learning strategies.
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